Mother’s Warning

Used to be Mom’s warnings ‘be like’, “Don’t run with scissors”, or “Don’t shoot your brother’s eye out with your BB gun”, or “Eat your broccoli there are starving kids in China”.  Now?  Not so much.


NPR Falsely Accuses Trump Supporters Of A Hate Crime

As reported by the Gateway Pundit, “Mass Stabbing Injures Nine In Boise “Refugee” Home – NPR, Leftists Blame Trump”.

Alleged Boise Stabber

Nine people were injured overnight during a mass stabbing spree at a home for “refugees” in Boise, Idado, of all places. Though leftists were quick to try to blame Trump for “anti immigrant rhetoric”, it turns out that the stabber had nothing to do with Trump or any white supremacist groups. In fact, the stabber is a black dude with a prior criminal past who is from LA.

FakeNews CNN’s Jim Acosta Plays The Tool Again

Jim Acosta, Weasel Cub Reporter

Jim Acosta works hard every day to prove he’s the ‘tool’ or the ‘fool’ of the White House Press Corp. I’m firmly convinced that if he took the “AncestryDNA” genetic heritage test he would prove to be the spawn of Sam Donaldson.


FakeNews CNN – “Not Today Jim”

From the Daily Caller we find that FakeNews CNN’s bad boy, Jim Acosta, has been acting out again at the White House briefing, “ACOSTA ASKS QUESTION ABOUT TRUMP SHOOTING JIM COMEY – SANDERS CRUSHES HIM: ‘NOT TODAY, JIM’.

CNN’s Jim Acosta and Sarah Sanders had a tense back-and-forth at Monday’s White House press briefing.

Acosta asked about a recent controversial comments by Rudi Gulliani. Rudy told the Huffington Post that Trump needed to be impeached before legal action can be taken against him. “If he shot James Comey, he’d be impeached the next day,” Rudy said, “Impeach him, and then you can do whatever you want to do to him.”