Trademarking “I Can’t Recall”

Always looking to make a buck, Hillary’s not going to answer any questions until her trademark on the phrase “I can’t recall” is approved.  Then she’ll not only be able to avoid answering any questions, but she can collect royalties when ever her trademarked phrase is used or infringed upon by others.


“Dirty” Harry Reid Calls Benghazi Mom Crazy

So if Donald Trump had called Mrs. Khizr Khan “Crazy” instead of “Quiet”, what sort of shit Harry_Reid_Hypocritetornado would have been the result?  F5?  F10?

From the NTK Network here’s “Dirty” Harry Reid in his own words calling Benghazi Mom, Patricia Smith, crazy.

My bet is that it won’t get any more coverage from your trusty MSM than a greasy fart in the wind.



Hillary’s Quick Service Pay for Play

From even the non, too non-partisan (it really makes sense) Washington Post we find, “More than half of Clinton Foundation’s major donors would be barred under new rule“.

More than half of the Clinton Foundation’s major donors would be prevented from contributing to the charity under the self-imposed ban on corporate and foreign Hillary_Drive-Through_Pay_For_Playdonors the foundation said this week it would adopt if Hillary Clinton won the White House, according to a new Washington Post analysis of foundation donations.

The findings underscore the extent to which the Clintons’ sprawling global charity has come to rely on financial support from industries and overseas interests, a point that has drawn criticism from Republicans and some liberals who have said the donations represent conflicts of interest for a potential president.

What will Judicial Watch find?