AGW – Forecasting Scams On The Horizon

As surely as the sun comes up in the east, Hurricanes Harvey and Irma will bring out every AGW-Climate Change-Global Warming (AKA: Weather) scam artist that can slither out from under a rock.  Right?  Al Gore?

AGW – Al Gore’s Climate Predictions a “Hot Mess”

Perhaps that should be rephrased, a “Hot, Cold Mess“.

Al Gore had no better luck predicting what the Earth’s temperature would be in 2017 than he did divining the “intent of a hanging chad” in the 2000 Presidential Election.

From the Climate Depot, “Global temperatures COOLER now than when Gore won Nobel Prize in 2007“.

AGW – Springtime In Russia

So Trump is pulling out of the Paris (AGW-Climate Change-Global Warming (AKA: Weather) Climate Agreement? I can’t wait for the Liberals of whatever persuasion and the Democrats to blame Vladimir Putin for Trump’s decision to withdraw. Do you think this Russkie Spring weather might be a motivating factor for Vlad “The Influencer” to get a little ‘warming’ going on?