Hillary Lives to Stump Again

Now that Hillary Clinton has returned to stumping along the campaign trail, Yahoo News reports,

Clinton’s return to the campaign trail comes as Trump has cut into her lead in hillary_new_logo_walkerpolls ahead of the Nov. 8 election. She was scheduled to attend a rally in North Carolina and then speak at a dinner in Washington.

Clinton, 68, had been resting at her home in Chappaqua, New York, for three days after being diagnosed with pneumonia and falling ill at a Sept. 11 memorial ceremony on Sunday.

So that you never forget, here are a few reminders of Hillary’s 09/11.





Stop Bill From Dicking Around – Vote Trump

Do your part to keep Bill Clinton from “Dicking Around” again in the White House.  Vote Donald Trump.

Bill_Clinton_Secret_ServerThe Intern you save may be your own daughter, granddaughter, wife, mother, niece, Auntie, or Grandmother (Oh Noooo’s).  Hell, you might even save that old, broken-down bitch hound that hangs around the White House Commissary looking for table scraps.

Take Colin Powell’s advice as reported by the NY Post.

Colin Powell wrote in a stunning email that he doesn’t want “to vote for her” — an apparent reference to Hillary Clinton — in part because her husband is “still dicking bimbos at home,” according to the hacker website DCLeaks.

Hillary’s 9/11 Health Scare

Even though Hillary Clinton had a major health scare yesterday at the 9/11 Remembrance Memorial Service, her political team insists she is just fine.  Mrs. Clinton put in an brief appearance before being shuttled by her handlers to her Upstate NY estate.
