Bernie Sanders defends Fidel Castro’s socialist Cuba

Unfair to simply say everything is bad’

Hey, if you don’t mind gulags, forced labor, starvation, 70 year old cars, firing squads, religious repression… Give Fidel a shout out.

FoxNews – Sen. Bernie Sanders, the frontrunner for the Democrats’ presidential nomination, doubled down on his support for some of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro’s policies, saying in an interview that aired Sunday, “it’s unfair to simply say everything is bad.”

Speaking to CBS News’ “60 Minutes,” Sanders, a self-proclaimed democratic socialist, pointed to social welfare programs introduced under Castro’s regime that he described as redeeming, despite the communist dictator’s often repressive human-rights violations against Cubans.

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Liberals Screwing Up a Wet Dream – Metaphorically Speaking

You cannot make this news up.  Heh.  From,   “Ha: Fidel Castro’s Funeral Vehicle Broke Down Mid-Procession“.

An almost amusing sight at Fidel Castro’s funeral procession: the car carrying his remains reportedly broke down and had to be pushed by soldiers.

castro__broke_down_hearseThe vehicle was reportedly Russian-built.

Pictures of the scene quickly spread on Twitter, with people calling it a “fitting metaphor” for the Castro regime:  1) Look no further for Cuba metaphors – Fidel’s final journey ends with a breakdown 2) How fitting: The jeep carrying Fidel Castro’s ashes broke down and soldiers had to push it the rest of the way to the cemetery. 3) Cuban soldiers push Fidel’s broken-down funeral vehicle — an Econ teacher’s dream-come-true for a metaphor HT.