Senator Rubio Has Sneaky Mark Warner’s Back

Senator Mark Warner attempts to use a Russian oligarch’s lobbyist to set up a clandestine meeting with Christopher Steele, the author of the infamously foul “Trump Dossier”, and Marco Rubio is OK with that. Just exactly where do your loyalties lie, Senator Rubio? And did you ever get an answer as to why it took Sneaky Mark Waner 7 months to inform your committee about his little adventure into the Netherlands of Oppo Research?

GOP’s DC Cartel Plan for Donald Trump

The GOP DC Cartel cannot allow Donald Trump to run the table on next Tuesday’s SUPER MEGA Tuesday Winner Take All primaries.


Any thoughts as to which candidate the Caveman represents?? And the Lizard?? Two Choices there. And the Yuuuge stomping GOP Elite DC Cartel elephant foot?? Wait. Did I give that one away? Here’s the breakout for Delegate Allocation.


Carly Fiorina – DC Cartel

Power Lunch With Donald Trump

When Donald Trump was asked how he prepared for yesterdays onslaught from Mitt Romney’s afternoon speech and then the evenings Republican Debate stuck between Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz (Drudge’s “Cuban Sandwich“), he said that he had a nice lunch and meditated.

Well what did you have for lunch, Donald?  A hot dog.  A hot dog?  Yeah, an Armored Hot Dog.

