Sen. Ronald Lee Wyden Wags A Finger At Lyin’ James Clapper – update
Update: The doofus that wrote the previous Tweet sincerely apologizes to Senator Ronald Lee Wyden for misspelling his name.
Even a Democratic Senator, like the proverbial stopped clock, can occasionally be right. Kudos to Senator Ron
Widen Wyden for nailing Lyin’ James Clapper for continuing to spout BS and lies about his Senate testimony regarding the NSA’s “Mass Surveillance”program.
James Clapper needs to stop making excuses for lying to the American people about mass surveillance. To be clear: I sent him the question in advance. I asked him to correct the record afterward. He chose to let the lie stand. https://t.co/i6jls7I9Em
— Ron Wyden (@RonWyden) March 6, 2019
As you can see, Lyin’ James Clapper has a Expert Commentator’s job a FakeNews CNN. There’s an oxymoron here somewhere… ==More===>
Sen. Ron Widen Wags A Finger At Lyin’ James Clapper
Even a Democratic Senator, like the proverbial stopped clock, can occasionally be right. Kudos to Senator Ron Widen for nailing Lyin’ James Clapper for continuing to spout BS and lies about his Senate testimony regarding the NSA’s “Mass Surveillance”program.
James Clapper needs to stop making excuses for lying to the American people about mass surveillance. To be clear: I sent him the question in advance. I asked him to correct the record afterward. He chose to let the lie stand. https://t.co/i6jls7I9Em
— Ron Wyden (@RonWyden) March 6, 2019
As you can see, Lyin’ James Clapper has a Expert Commentator’s job a FakeNews CNN. There’s an oxymoron here somewhere… ==More===>
Lyin' James Clapper has found a home at FakeNews CNN where he can spout self-serving lies to his heart's content and the Hosts at FakeNews CNN can scratch their chins, gaze intently and say, "That's an amazingly profound insight, Lyin' James, thank you." Score one for Widen.
— ThePublicEditor.com (@TPE_PubEditor) March 7, 2019
Trump Prescient About Obama Administration “Wiretapping”
Politico reports, “Nunes claims some Trump transition messages were intercepted“.
House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes declared Wednesday that members of
Donald Trump’s transition team, possibly including Trump himself, were under inadvertent surveillance following November’s presidential election.
The White House and Trump’s allies immediately seized on the statement as vindication of the president’s much-maligned claim that former President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower phones — even though Nunes himself said that’s not what his new information shows.