PSA – Help Keep Our Wildlife Friends Warm

Cooking temperatures for our Wild Buddies:

Chops, steaks and roasts (deer, elk, moose, caribou/reindeer, antelope and pronghorn)
Well done74°C (165°F)
Ground meat
Ground meat and meat mixtures74°C (165°F)
Ground venison and sausage74°C (165°F)
Large game
Bear, bison, musk-ox, walrus, etc.74°C (165°F)
Small game
Rabbit, muskrat, beaver, etc.74°C (165°F)
Game birds/waterfowl (for example, wild turkey, duck, goose, partridge and pheasant)
Whole82°C (180°F)
Breasts and roasts74°C (165°F)
Thighs, wings74°C (165°F)
Stuffing (cooked alone or in bird)74°C (165°F)


**Provided by the Government of Canada – They know wild.

ScienceFaire – What’s In Your Doomsday Shelter’s Pantry

sciencefaire_liberal_dihydrogenmonoxideYours may not be a “5-Star Resort For Those Preparing For Doomsday“, as CBS DFW reports, but one still has to stock the shelter pantry well enough to make it through Armageddon. Since pantry space will be at a premium, the savvy ‘Prepper’ should consider stocking up on dehydrated items.

Here’s one suggestion.  After all, you can never be too rich, or too thin, or have too much DiHydrogen Monoxide on hand.