Today’s Bacon – Girls With Bacon

Enough politics!  The debate last night was enough to gag a maggot.  So let’s move on to something good.  Like bacon!  Welcome to the first tasty morsel in the new category, “Girls With Bacon”.


Bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon,bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon,bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon


Hillary’s Gift Incentive for New Donors

As an inducement for new donors to make a contribution, the Hillary Clinton campaign is giving away an album of some of Bill’s biggest saxophone hits, “Still Dickin’ Bimbos”.  For a larger contribution, donors will be put on a pre-release list entitling them to a personally signed copy of Mr. Clinton’s newest album, “Still a Horndog After All These Years”.


For a nominal fee, Bill can be persuaded to deliver your order personally. Cigars and ‘blue dresses’ optional.