Time to Think of Iraq as a Business Opportunity

Did you think Donald Trump said that?  Not.  It was Hillary.  It’s funny how the Clintons show up when there’s money to be had.

IBT reports, “Campaign 2016: Hillary Clinton Pitched Iraq As ‘A Business Opportunity’ For US Corporations“.

When then-U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton voted to authorize the war against Iraq in 2002, she justified her support of the invasion as a way to protect America’s national security. But less than a decade later, as secretary of state, Clinton Hillary_Iraq_A_Business_Opportunity_XTrumppromoted the war-torn country as a place where American corporations could make big money.

“It’s time for the United States to start thinking of Iraq as a business opportunity,” she said in a 2011 speech.

The quote was included in an email released by the State Department on Wednesday that specifically mentioned JPMorgan and Exxon Mobil. JPMorgan was selected by the U.S. government to run a key import-export bank in Iraq and in 2013 announced plans to expand its operations in the country. Exxon Mobil signed a deal to redevelop Iraqi oil fields. JPMorgan has collectively paid the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation at least $450,000 for speeches, and Exxon Mobil has donated over $1 million to the family’s foundation.

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Don & Melania & Ted & Heidi

Or if you were around in 1969, “Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice“.

From Vox, “Heidi Cruz and Melania Trump: 6 stories to read about the women at the center of Wifegate“.

This week, the two leading Republican presidential candidates spiraled into a hypermasculine feud over each other’s wives.

Donald Trump responded to an attack ad in support of Ted Cruz that used a nude photo of Trump’s wife, Melania, with a vague threat to “spill the beans” about Cruz’s wife, Heidi.

The Facebook attack ad, targeted at Utah’s conservative Mormon base before Tuesday’s primary, was sponsored by Make America Awesome, a Super PAC supporting Cruz. It used a photo from a GQ spread with the caption, “Meet Melania Trump. Your Next First Lady. Or you could support Ted Cruz on Tuesday.”


This Way To The Egress

Perhaps there’s a little PT (Welcome to the Egress) Barnum in Donald J. Trump.

Barnum’s American Museum was so popular that people would spend the entire day there. This cut into profits, as the museum would be too full to Trump_The_Wallsqueeze another person in. In classic Barnum style, old P.T. put up signs that said “This Way to the Egress.” Many customers followed the signs, not realizing that Egress was a fancy word for “Exit.” They kept on looking for this strange new attraction, the “Egress”. Many patrons followed the signs right out the door! Once they had exited the building, the door would lock behind them, and if they wanted to get back in, they had to pay another admission charge!


The Trumpster’s Presidential Qualifications

Lets check out The Trumpsters presidential qualifications…

The Obama is against Trump… Check
The Media is against Trump… Check
The establishment Democrats are against Trump… Check
The establishment Republicans are against Trump… Check
The Pope is against Trump… Check
The UN is against Trump… Check
The EU is against Trump… Check
China is against Trump… Check
Mexico is against Trump… Check
Soros is against Trump… Check
Super Pacs are against Trump… Check
BlackLivesMatter is against Trump… Check
MoveOn.Org is against Trump… Check
Koch Bro’s are against Trump… Check
Hateful, racist, violent Liberal protesters are against Trump.. Check

Best qualifications ever!!

Bonus points!!!
Cher says she will leave the country…Mooch_Vote_Trump_02
Cyrus says she will leave the country…
Whoopi says she will leave the country…
Rosi says she will leave the country…
Sharpton says he will leave the country…
Gov. Brown says California will build a wall…

My vote for Trump… Check…

Lifted from:  The American Mirror