Kardashian Family Business Closes
After Bruce had his ‘chopadicktomy’ operation and became Caitlyn, and the rest of the Kardashian crew became, well, gross, demand for the family business’s product ‘petered’ out. The factory doors had to be closed and equipment scrapped and sent to the bone yard (drumroll, please). It was a sight much too ghastly to contemplate – a vision truly worthy of an Eye Bleach Alert.
You’ve been warned. Click ‘read more’ at your own peril.
John Wayne on ‘ReGendering’
From “Born a Man, Transgender Weightlifter Wins Women’s Competition“.
Competitors who are born female now face the reality of losing to those who “identify” as a female, but were born male.
New Zealander Laurel Hubbard, formerly known as Gavin, is a 39 year-old transgender woman who won the international women’s weightlifting title in Australia on Sunday.
Hubbard broke four national records, and beat the competition by 19 kilograms.
DeConfuse Yourself Mr. TransGender
This Bunyanesque Beauty is actually a “Gender Reassignment Expert” specializing in Chopadicktomy surgeries.