Hillary’s 9/11 Health Scare

Even though Hillary Clinton had a major health scare yesterday at the 9/11 Remembrance Memorial Service, her political team insists she is just fine.  Mrs. Clinton put in an brief appearance before being shuttled by her handlers to her Upstate NY estate.



Hillary Buys Her Blackberries on eBay

Perhaps Hillary is a “Closet Hoarder”.  You know the type:  1) No real relationships,  2) Shops QVC for companionship,  3) Compulsively buys other people’s trash off Ebay so she’ll have more than anyone else,  4) Has 50 cats and uses “Eau de LitterBox” parfume, 5) And is buried under bags upon bags of old emails.

Hillary_Out_Of_EmailsShe could have a documentary filmed–Just like Anthony and Huma did.  Or maybe a Reality Show….

See the Daily Caller story, “Hillary Bought Used BlackBerries On Ebay “.

Hillary Clinton purchased some of the BlackBerries she used as secretary of state on eBay, Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz said on Wednesday.

“That’s what she liked, so she did it. It creates this huge vulnerability. And it’shillary_delete_delete unnecessary,” Chaffetz, who chairs the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said during a forum hosted by the American Enterprise Institute.

In addition, she should consider ditching the 50 cats. That might help that little coughing up hairballs problem she has going on.

“Crooked Hillary” Moniker Sticks Like Glue

The “Tricky Dicky” Nixon moniker stuck and was reaffirmed by Nixon’s resignation. My theory is that Hillary Clinton owns the handle “Crooked Hillary” and, who knows, if elected, the result could be deja vu all over again. 

Here’s what Glenn Reynolds says in the USA Today’s, “‘Crooked Hillary’ nickname isn’t going away“.

The new FBI information suggests Clinton is either criminal, criminally incompetent or both.

Hillary_NixonDonald Trump likes to call his opponent, Hillary Clinton, “Crooked Hillary.” There’s even a #CrookedHillary hashtag on Twitter. Meanwhile, Hillary seems to be doing her best to make that nickname stick.

When FBI Director James Comey declined to prosecute the former Secretary of State for mishandling classified information, he said that although she was extremely Nixon_Not_A_Crook_Todays_Standardscareless, there was no criminal intent. That was a bit iffy, since the statute governing mishandling of classified information doesn’t require intent. But the new information indicates that Hillary is either criminal, or criminally incompetent. Or maybe both.