Stock footage of the attack on Damascas, Syria provided by FakeNews CNN. Heh.
**FakeNewsAlert** that’s really your salad fixin’s growing.
CNN reports another feckless failure of Obama’s Syria-Russian Policy, “Syria: 2nd hospital destroyed by bombs as regime gains ground in Aleppo“.
Yet another civilian hospital in Syria has been destroyed by airstrikes — this one in the country’s largest city.
At least seven people died and more remain trapped under rubble after “bunker-buster” bombs destroyed the M10 hospital in Aleppo on Monday, opposition activists from the Aleppo Media Center said.Monday’s attack marked the third time in a week the M10 hospital was bombed. Airstrikes also pummeled the hospital, in rebel-held eastern Aleppo, last Wednesday and Saturday.
Looks like that “line” Obama drew in the sand