GOP’s DC Cartel Plan for Donald Trump

The GOP DC Cartel cannot allow Donald Trump to run the table on next Tuesday’s SUPER MEGA Tuesday Winner Take All primaries.


Any thoughts as to which candidate the Caveman represents?? And the Lizard?? Two Choices there. And the Yuuuge stomping GOP Elite DC Cartel elephant foot?? Wait. Did I give that one away? Here’s the breakout for Delegate Allocation.


Carly Fiorina – DC Cartel

Hillary’s Own Voter Thinks She’s Full of BS

Watch as this young, female, targeted Hillary voter shows her obvious disgust with Hillary’s continued bullshit. You know it’s pretty deep when even hand-picked audience members (the ones in the prime seats) can’t gag it down. That look was priceless and probably very similar to the one that caused Monica to blurp up a stain on the ol’ blue dress.