Minnesotans for Marco – updated

Congratulations to Marco Rubio for finally winning something — Minnestoa.  Here’s a picture of a gaggle of Minnesotans For Marco leaving the polls yesterday.


Update: All right, all right. Maybe I was stretching credulity a little, but here’s the real scoop…

From the Gateway Pundit, “Candidates Speak Only in Somali at Minnesota DFL Caucus“.

A reporter at a DFL caucus for Minnesota’s House District 60B could not Islam_Minnesota_Dem_Somali_Votersreport on the candidates’ speeches to caucus attendees because the speeches were only given in Somali.

Eric Roper with the Minneapolis Star-Tribune posted a series of tweets from the Brian Coyle Center in Minneapolis about the caucus. English speakers were in short supply in the area now populated by Somali refugees.

Vincente ‘Effing Fox On ‘Effing Fox News About the ‘Effing Wall

Enough ‘effing said about Mexico paying for the ‘effing wall or even attempting to understand that the United States is not their ‘effing country and that they most certainly don’t have an ‘effing right to ‘effing come here whenever they ‘effing please.

Here’s the money quote:

So ‘effing suck on that, Mr. Vincente ‘Effing Fox.

Alas, Poor Karl….Bernie Knows Him Well

Bernie Sanders Studies Mentor, Karl Marx

** Let me see. (takes the skull) Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath borne me on his back a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is!

No Fear Shakespeare: Hamlet: Act 5, Scene 1, Page 8