Goat Yoga??

We find there is yet one more way to separate fools from their money.  The Metro tells us, “There’s now a retreat where you can do yoga with goats“.  Goat yoga!  Heh!!

No Regrets Farm in Willamette Valley, Oregon, is now offering people the opportunity to do their daily yoga with goats.

goat_yogaBecause why not?

The Goat Retreat was set up by former professional photographer Lainey Morse, who wanted to start a new business based on her farm.

When a local yoga instructor was searching for a place for her classes, Lainey offered up her farm – along with the goats that live there.

Now, to be clear, the goats don’t actually participate in the yoga. They’re WTF_Goat_Xinggoats. They don’t know how to do downward dog.

The goats are there more for moral support and the weird factor, preventing you from getting bored midway through all that deep-breathing.


Hillary Buys Her Blackberries on eBay

Perhaps Hillary is a “Closet Hoarder”.  You know the type:  1) No real relationships,  2) Shops QVC for companionship,  3) Compulsively buys other people’s trash off Ebay so she’ll have more than anyone else,  4) Has 50 cats and uses “Eau de LitterBox” parfume, 5) And is buried under bags upon bags of old emails.

Hillary_Out_Of_EmailsShe could have a documentary filmed–Just like Anthony and Huma did.  Or maybe a Reality Show….

See the Daily Caller story, “Hillary Bought Used BlackBerries On Ebay “.

Hillary Clinton purchased some of the BlackBerries she used as secretary of state on eBay, Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz said on Wednesday.

“That’s what she liked, so she did it. It creates this huge vulnerability. And it’shillary_delete_delete unnecessary,” Chaffetz, who chairs the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said during a forum hosted by the American Enterprise Institute.

In addition, she should consider ditching the 50 cats. That might help that little coughing up hairballs problem she has going on.