Trump Trumps Trump

An Open Letter to Mr. Trump.

Respectfully, I have been a reliably Republican voter since Ronald Reagan’s first term and although I disagreed substantially with some of our candidate’s positions I never questioned their courage or their Trump_Palin_Dumb_Dumberwillingness to stand strong in the face of criticism from near or afar. Vicious criticisms are always a fact of life if you call yourself a Republican.

I must say, sir that you are becoming a disappointment to me. Your turning tail and running from a potential confrontation with Megyn Kelly strikes me as behavior no better than what we have already in the Oval Office.

If you are as good for this country as you say you are, and if you want me to believe that you will even attempt to do the things you have promised in your campaign, then get your ass out on the Fox Debate stage and defend your ideas.

Trust the American people to judge if you have been unfairly treated.

Daily Darwin – Chasing Balls

Darwin duly points out that if man was meant to play golf (chase little balls around) he wouldn’t have been given his own little set much closer at hand.


Natural selection deems that some individuals serve as a warning to others. Who are we to disagree? The next generation, ever and anon, is descended from the survivors


Peak Oil – Getting Greased

With all the various comparisons of the price of a barrel of oil to water, or milk, or say Starbucks coffee  one other comparison bears making–


** Peak Oil:  is the point in time when the maximum rate of extraction of petroleum is reached, after which it is expected to enter terminal decline.  It is often confused with oil depletion; however, peak oil is the point of maximum production, while depletion refers to a period of falling reserves and supply.

AGW – Turbine Deicing

Use your critical thinking abilities to determine what life would have been like during this weekends “SnowZilla” winter weather event had a majority of the energy supply been provided by green sources such as solar or wind.  How  cold and dark would your home have been?

From WUWT, “The Fire and Ice Department“,

The entire rationale for wind turbines is to stop global warming by reducing the amount of CO2 being returned to the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels.

AGW_de-icing-wind-turbineIn the attached picture, recently taken in Sweden, freezing cold weather has caused the rotor blades of a wind turbine to ice up bringing the blades to a complete stop.

To fix the “problem” a helicopter is employed (burning aviation fuel) to spray hot water (which is heated in the frigid temperatures using a truck equipped with a 260 kW oil burner) on the blades of the turbine to de-ice them.

The aviation fuel, the diesel for the truck, and the oil burned to heat the water, could produce more electricity (at the right time to meet demand) than the unfrozen wind turbine could ever produce. (Before it freezes up again).

The attached picture is a metaphor of the complete insanity of the climate change debate.

In decades to come this one photo alone with sum up an era of stupidity, when rational thought, logic and commonsense was abandoned and immense wealth and resources needlessly sacrificed.