Timothy Leary’s Dead

The Daily Star reports, “LSD making comeback as professionals drop ACID before work“.  No more of that “Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out” as preached by the Grand Poobah of hallucinogenics, Dr. Timothy Leary.

With their power to melt minds, psychedelics have a fearsome reputation.

But a growing consensus of professionals and athletes believe taking smaller and smarter doses of psychedelics can improve performance both in the office and on the track.

From heightening creativity and focus at work to improving PB’s and enhancing endurance, psychedelics’ positive potential is gaining acceptance.

Hallucinogenic drugs have suffered from a stigma ever since 1960s LSD advocate Timothy Leary popularised it as a recreational substance, with the resulting dangerous doses and ‘bad trips’ making headlines.

The Moody Blues – “Legend of a Mind (Timothy Leary’s Dead)”

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Rice Paddy Art

Since 1993, the farmers of the Japanese village of Inakadate, in Aomori Prefecture, have been creating elaborate designs on rice paddy fields by intermixing a variety of rice strains to create large scale artworks. Each year these farmers plant rice of different color to create new artworks and they last all through the growing season until the time of harvest. Over the years they have made classical art pieces like Mona Lisa, and images of historical figures such as Napoleon, and Marilyn Monroe, as well as traditional Japanese icons and figures.