Today’s Democrats On The Battle Of Britain

From, a timely reminder….

On June 17, 1940, the defeated French signed an armistice and quit World War II. Britain now stood alone against the power of Germany’s military forces, which had conquered most of Western Europe in less than two months. But Prime Minister Winston Churchill rallied his stubborn people and outmaneuvered those politicians who wanted to negotiate with Adolf Hitler.

Al ‘Bombogenisis’ Gore

First there was the ‘Gore Effect‘, that curious phenomenon where any place Al Gore went to hold a conference on Global Warmining or there was to be some sort of scientific Arctic or Antarctic expedition proving the theory of Global Warming (AGW-Climate Change-Global Warming (AKA: Weather)), it turned out to be ‘too cold’ or there was ‘too much ice’ and the event had to be cancelled.

Now there is Al’s Bombogenis which “Brought Whiteout Conditions From Virginia to New England, Record Coastal Flooding at Boston Harbor“.  Hmmm?  Wasn’t this supposed to be the year that Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Completely Ice Free by Today?  Heh.