Email, Schemail….updated

What’s to worry about.  I’ve got it covered…

From, “Official: Some Clinton emails ‘too damaging’ to release“.

EXCLUSIVE: The intelligence community has deemed some of Hillary Clinton’s emails “too damaging” to national security to release under any Hillary_Mad_Magazine_What_Me_Worrycircumstances, according to a U.S. government official close to the ongoing review. A second source, who was not authorized to speak on the record, backed up the finding.

The determination was first reported by Fox News, hours before the State Department formally announced Friday that seven email chains, found in 22 documents, will be withheld “in full” because they, in fact, contain “Top Secret” information.

The State Department, when first contacted by Fox News about withholding such emails Friday morning, did not dispute the reporting – but did not comment in detail. After a version of this report was first published, the Obama administration confirmed to the Associated Press that the seven email chains would be withheld. The department has since confirmed those details publicly.


Trump Trumps Trump

An Open Letter to Mr. Trump.

Respectfully, I have been a reliably Republican voter since Ronald Reagan’s first term and although I disagreed substantially with some of our candidate’s positions I never questioned their courage or their Trump_Palin_Dumb_Dumberwillingness to stand strong in the face of criticism from near or afar. Vicious criticisms are always a fact of life if you call yourself a Republican.

I must say, sir that you are becoming a disappointment to me. Your turning tail and running from a potential confrontation with Megyn Kelly strikes me as behavior no better than what we have already in the Oval Office.

If you are as good for this country as you say you are, and if you want me to believe that you will even attempt to do the things you have promised in your campaign, then get your ass out on the Fox Debate stage and defend your ideas.

Trust the American people to judge if you have been unfairly treated.

Jumping Ship

Could this be another Hillary Clinton “low information” voter jumping ship?

Now do be cautious about leaping to a conclusion regarding the meaning of low information voter and attributing a racist motivation.  Could this author simply have been referring to a lack of understanding of the principles of Sir Isaac Newton’s First Law of Motion?  Let’s review.

Darwin_Subway_Faceplant_animatedAccording to Newton’s First Law…

An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

This law is often called “The Law of Inertia”.

So kiddies. What’s your conclusion?