Celebrity Hypocrites Talk Gun Control Out of Both Sides of Their ‘Mouths’

Not the real #JenLaw, but her Celebrity Spokesperson

Breitbart reports, “Jennifer Lawrence: ‘Problem is Guns, not Entertainment Industry’“.  Hollywood Einstein and Philosopher Queen, Jennifer Lawrence, says murder by guns, lots of guns, in Hollywood movies is art, so it doesn’t count a violence…..?”  She poo-poo’s the possibility that the entertainment industry’s utter fascination with violence and the making of firearms a central part of the plot of many movies, could be even be partly to blame for gun violence in America.  See if this drivel doesn’t explode your head.

“I think that, you know, we’re the entertainment industry. At some point there has to be separation between politics and the entertainment industry or we’re going to suffer,” Lawrence said Wednesday during the New York premiere of her new spy thriller Red Sparrow. “This is, it’s an art. And it’s an art to entertain and, as an industry, we will suffer and people need to take that responsibility on themselves.”

“The same kind of violence is in different parts of the country that don’t have as many problems as we do,” Lawrence continued, “I think the problems is guns not entertainment industry.”

Here’s Jennifer Lawrence making money with a gun. Would that be ‘prostitution‘ with a gun”

Jennifer Lawrence Posing With Her ‘Moneymakers’

Gypsy, Tramp or Thief

It’s ironic that Hollywood Liberals like Cher resort to body-shaming someone like Sarah Sanders because they disagree with their beliefs. #HollywoodHypcrites are always so short on arguments or critical thinking that their only recourse is ‘huck‘ insults like third graders. Sorry for the comparison, third graders, sometimes life is unfair.

Cher in her Ms. Cowhide USA Pageant Leather Outfit

Conan – ‘Dyare’ Is Haitian Creole For What You’re Gonna Get

Nicholas Cage – “I’ll Take Crappy Role, Just Pay Me”

Not that Nicholas Cage ever had much ‘artistic integrity’ to begin with, but did you ever wonder why he’s showing up in every ‘piece of shit’ role in every ‘shithole’ straight to DVD movie imaginable?  You know what I mean.  Those movies that you’re tempted to let your dog dump on before you return them to Redbox?  The answer is simple.  Nick Cage has a spending problem every bit as bad a Johnny Depp’s, but not quite the “Star Powered” salary.

So Nick has to take the McDonald’s approach (although McDonald’s does at least pay lip service to QUALITY), “Make a little bit of profit on a whole lot of burgers” – or movies, in Nick’s case.  Here’s what CNBC reports.

But Cage didn’t hold on to his fortune for long. He squandered it away on a string of expensive and often eccentric purchases, eventually facing foreclosure on several properties and owing the IRS $6.3 million in property taxes.

Now worth around $25 million, Cage is taking roles left and right to help pay off his debts.

You can check the foolishness in full by following the link to CNBC, or you can just say “enough” to the ubiquitous Mr. Cage. Hold on! Isn’t “The Ubiquitous Mr. Cage” the working title for Nick’s next movie? Prolly….