FakeNews CNN – “Not Today Jim”

From the Daily Caller we find that FakeNews CNN’s bad boy, Jim Acosta, has been acting out again at the White House briefing, “ACOSTA ASKS QUESTION ABOUT TRUMP SHOOTING JIM COMEY – SANDERS CRUSHES HIM: ‘NOT TODAY, JIM’.

CNN’s Jim Acosta and Sarah Sanders had a tense back-and-forth at Monday’s White House press briefing.

Acosta asked about a recent controversial comments by Rudi Gulliani. Rudy told the Huffington Post that Trump needed to be impeached before legal action can be taken against him. “If he shot James Comey, he’d be impeached the next day,” Rudy said, “Impeach him, and then you can do whatever you want to do to him.”

Facebook’s Peeping ‘Zucks’

For anyone who watched Mark Zuckerberg’s Congressional Hearing appearances, it’s clear that Mark is clearly, well…. different.  But this latest, Mr. Zuckerberg?  Jeez!!  The Forbes headline says it all, “Facebook Wants Your Nude Photos; What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

In a bid to wrap up the race for the Tin Ear of the Year Award before June 1, Facebook has begun asking its 2.2 billion users to discreetly share their indiscreet nude photos with the company. The plan, they say, is to train Facebook to block the images you don’t ever want on Facebook, in cases such as revenge porn.