Eye Bleach Alert – The Face (plus some other parts) Of The Resistance

The is a new ‘TrigglyPuff’ in the making. And if you think the original TrigglyPuffs were hard on the eyes, be warned our new “TrigglyPuff V, the Face of the Resistance” calls for a bigly dose of Eyebleach. Be warned, be aware, and click “read more” only if you dare.

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Stormy Daniels’ Big Trump News – “He Made Me Watch Shark Week”

The morning after the ‘big’ 60 Minutes Stormy Daniels interview, the Washington Post is keeping ‘Democracy Alive‘ by opening Al Capone’s Vault, err…. Stormy Daniels’ Vault and dishing this sordid story, “Stormy Daniels, Donald Trump, and Shark Week: ‘He made me sit and watch’.” Oh, THE HORROR!

Stormy Daniels says that when she knocked on Donald Trump’s private bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel in July 2007, the adult film actress found the “Celebrity Apprentice” figure already engaged. Too busy to talk business, or jump into what Daniels would later describe as extramarital sex. Everything had to wait.

Trump was glued — like millions of others across the globe in more than 70 countries — to the television.

“I remember arriving, and he was watching ‘Shark Week,’” Daniels told Anderson Cooper in Sunday’s must-see “60 Minutes” interview. “He made me sit and watch an entire documentary about shark attacks.”