Trump’s CWB Program – Corps of Wall Builders

Illegal_Immigration_Wall_Builder_CrewHere’s the Math. You have 2000 miles of Wall to Build. That’s approximately 10,560,000 feet, or roughly 126,720,000 inches. You also have 11 to 13 million Illegal Immigrants, AKA CWB Corpsman. If you divide the length of the wall by an average number of CWB’s of say, 12 million, then each CWB’er is only responsible for 11 inches of wall. Seems doable to me….


Kasich Trial Balloon Deflates

From the NY Times, “Ted Cruz-John Kasich Alliance Against Donald Trump Quickly Weakens“.

The temporary alliance between Senator Ted Cruz and Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, formed to deny Donald J. Trump the Republican presidential Kasich_Trial_Balloon_Fantasynomination, was already in danger of fraying to the point of irrelevance on Monday, only hours after it was announced to great fanfare.

The agreement, in which the two candidates agreed to cede forthcoming states to one another — Mr. Kasich would, most crucially, stand down in Indiana’s primary on May 3 to give Mr. Cruz a better chance to defeat Mr. Trump there, while Mr. Cruz would leave Oregon and New Mexico to Mr. Kasich — carried the stench of desperation, but initially it seemed like a breakthrough.