Illegal Aliens For Hillary

Not only are Democrats registering voters from beyond the grave, they are registering them from beyond the stars.  The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports, “Investigation launched after dead people are registered to vote in Harrisonburg“.

illegal_aliens_for_hillaryHarrisonburg officials and the FBI are investigating allegations of voter registration fraud after officials say almost 20 voter applications were turned in under the names of dead people.

Harrisonburg Registrar Debbie Logan said Thursday that investigators have found from 18 to 20 potentially fraudulent registrations. The Rockingham County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office confirmed Thursday that an investigation is underway, but offered no additional details on the case.



Hey Howard Dean – Stick These Up Your Nose

mr_rogers_gives_2_fingers_animatedHoward, the ‘Scream‘, Dean decided that Donald Trump’s case of the sniffles at Monday night’s debate means that he must be a cocaine user.  No, Howard.  If anyone deserves to be called erratic it’s your very ‘ownself’.

Now first, stick one of Mr. Rogers’ fingers up each nostril and then review your own highly suspect performance below.


Hillary’s Gift Incentive for New Donors

As an inducement for new donors to make a contribution, the Hillary Clinton campaign is giving away an album of some of Bill’s biggest saxophone hits, “Still Dickin’ Bimbos”.  For a larger contribution, donors will be put on a pre-release list entitling them to a personally signed copy of Mr. Clinton’s newest album, “Still a Horndog After All These Years”.


For a nominal fee, Bill can be persuaded to deliver your order personally. Cigars and ‘blue dresses’ optional.