Gumball Wars

Gumball Wars from Scott Thierauf on Vimeo.


Formerly associated with a particular psychological disorder stemming from years of percieved underappreciation and bitterness. A character flaw brought on by a person’s inability to deal with their own bitterness, anger, or resentment in an assertive manner, thus, becoming a more passive form of hostility. See: petty, little bitch, worthless turd

This entry in urbandictionary is passive-aggressive because it was brought on by a coworker’s passive-aggressive action against myself, and thus, is my form of counter attack. It is unlikely that the passive-aggressive asshat will see this, rendering such an action unassertive on my part, but it is highly probable that this will be seen by some more trustworthy coworkers and they will immediately empathize and agree that my definition (including the synonyms: little bitch and worthless turd) fully apply.

An Opinion ‘NotWorthy’ Of Two Spits

Gus Kenworthy’s opinion of Ivanka Trump’s visit to the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics should  more appropriately be called Gus’ “Notworthy” opinion. Stupid play on words, but….Stupid is and stupid does.


FakeNews CNN Needs to Check In To The Asylem

Trying to follow the logic of FakeNews CNN “Liberal Derangement Syndrome (one more manifestation of Trump Derangement Syndrome) will make even the sanest of us pray for a straitjacket and a double dose of Thorazine. The cure is to take a mental hygiene breaks and change the channel. I recommend The Three Stooges Channel or the Road Runner Network for your therapy sessions.