Ride, Forrest, Ride

CNN Money has the chocolates on Forrest Gump, “Now you, too, can “Run, Forrest, run!”

Nike is bringing back some vintage kicks from the pre-Jordan era: the Classic Cortez running shoes that were a hit in the 70’s and worn in the 1994 feel-good flick “Forrest Gump.”

Even those who never ran a marathon in the Cortez shoes — or weren’t alive in the ’70s — might still recognize them from the Tom Hanks film, where his character Gump wears them on a cross-country run from Alabama to the Southwest. Gump also wears them in the famous park bench scene where he cogitates about chocolates.

It’s amazing how Forrest’s slow twin, Timmber, has figured out that it’s much better to ride than run, but he still like those Nike Cortez runners.

Forest Gump’s slow twin, Timmber. “Ride, Timmber, Ride!”


Nobody Takes an ‘Effing Liberal ‘In Blackface’ Seriously – Sarah Silverman?

From Buzzfeed we get a bit with “Sarah Silverman performing in blackface because she “takes her work at face value.” And somehow that’s funny??  And somehow the entire Liberal Elite Establishment and the entire repertoire of #SJW-Social Justice Warrior groups, and the BLM’s etc. aren’t coming for her with bricks, clubs and bottle of urine??  Where’s Maxine Waters?  Nancy Pelosi?  Or Crazy Ol’ Howard “The Scream” Dean??  Crickets everywhere.  ‘Cause her name ain’t Trump.  ‘Effing hypocrites.

The Joy of Painting ‘Happy ‘Effing Machine Gunners’

The political rancor and partisan squabbling has even gotten to our ‘Happy Painter”, Bob Ross. He was overheard on the set saying, “Screw the ‘happy little trees’ and screw the ‘happy little accidents’, I’m gonna paint some ‘happy ‘effing machine gunners’ or I’ll end up taking an ‘effing palette knife to somebody’s ‘effing ass.  And I’m as ‘effing serious about that as an ‘effing happy little heart attack!”

Bob Ross Painting Happy Trees… *Ohhhh here they come!*