2016 Zika Olympics, Rio de Janeiro

CDC_Zika_Olympics_RamirezWe thought that reprising some of our favorite “CDC Chic” images might  be fun viewing as you make your travel arrangements to Rio de Janeiro.  The 2016 “Zika and Poop” Olympics is waiting.  Don’t drink the water, eat the food, go outside, God-forbid go near Guanabara Bay, breath the air…..

View our favorite CDC Chic apparel items and accessories.


New Government Required Gender Sensitive Label For Firearms

With the surge in firearms sales to the LGBT Community post Orlando, the Federal Government is requiring an additional safety label for all self-identifying Queer LGBTQ folk.

You’ve got to hand it to those Federal Nannies.  Without their help, those poor little LGBTQ Cupcakes might never have figured it out.
