Eeewww!! – Cricketeria Reprise

Since NBC News decided to trot out it’s predictably gross “How Crickets Could Help Save the Planet” to commemorate Al Gore’s newest inconvenient movie release and Donald Trump’s ‘Climate Denier’, oil-guy EPA appointment, it time to reprise our little story on crickets.  First NBC.

Unless we all stick to salads, the global production of meat will need to double in that time to feed our growing population, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO). Feed and crop production will also have to increase in kind to support livestock and our own appetites, inevitably taking up more land space and water — precious and dwindling commodities required for cattle.

Now our reprise – Your Sustainable Thanksgiving Dinner

Forget that turkey. Or dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy and cranberries. Belly up to the cricket buffet. Eat your fill and feel good about exterminating hunger for the next generation.

John McCain – Maverick Press Stooge

John McCain has been overseas actively criticizing President Donald Trump’s statements regarding the ‘Fake News’ press and it’s attack of his administration.  Let’s remind maverick press stooge McCain what the press did to his presidential campaign and his vice presidential running mate, Sarah Palin.  Google screen capture.


So John, I’d recommend that you shut your ‘effing pie hole and become part of the solution rather than trying to get on TV as the ‘Maverick 2.0’ darling of the “really Fake News” media .  Just sayin’….

‘Real’ News about CNN’s ‘Allegedly Real’ Fake News

From Dan Abrams’ Law Newz we hear some ‘real’ news about CNN’s troubles with allegedly real ‘Fake News’.  It sounds complicated, but it’s ‘really‘ not.

Those who accuse CNN and other mainstream media outlets of “fake news” will probably revel in a recent decision by a federal judge in Atlanta, Georgia. While Judge Orinda Evans didn’t all out declare that CNN was peddling in falsehoods, she did take aim at the network in an initial judgment in favor of a former hospital CEO who sued CNN accusing them of purposely skewing statistics to reflect poorly on a West Palm Beach hospital. Judge Evans didn’t mince words in her 18-page order allowing the case to move forward, and dismissing CNN’s attempt to get it thrown out of court.