Mike Rowe – “It’s a Dirty Job ‘Taking a Liberal to School’

Mike Rowe of “Dirty Jobs” fame, and now with his “MikeRoweWorks Foundation“, does not suffer liberal foolishness lightly.  See his “real world schooling” of Twitter troll Chuck Atkins.  It’s a dirty job, Mike, and we sure are glad you’re willing to do it.

Twitter troll Chuck Atkins says…

“One of the tenants of white nationalism is that college educated people are academic elitests. Comment? No? I’m not surprised. You never take a political stand because you don’t want to alienate anybody. Its bad for business. I get it. But there is a current of anti intellectualism in this country – promoted by Republicans. Those people love you, and they think your initiative is their initiative. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is kickin our ass academically.”

And Mike’s reply to Chuck…

Since we’re being candid, allow me to say how much I dislike your post. Everything about it annoys me – your smug and snarky tone, your appalling grammar, your complete lack of evidence to support your claims, and of course, the overarching logical fallacy that informs your entire position. What really bugs me though, is the fact that you’re not entirely wrong. It’s true; I haven’t shared any political opinions this week, in part anyway, because doing so might very well be “bad for business.”

What can I say? I work for half-a-dozen different companies, none of whom pay me to share my political opinions. I run a non-partisan foundation, I’m about to launch a new show on Facebook, and I’m very aware that celebrities pay a price for opening their big fat gobs. Gilbert Gottfried, Kathy Griffin, Colin Kaepernick, Milo Yiannopoulos…even that guy from Google who just got himself fired for mouthing off. There’s no getting around it – the first amendment does not guarantee the freedom to speak without consequences. And really, that’s fine by me.

So no – I’m not going to share my personal feelings about Charlottesville, President Trump, or the current effort to remove thousands of statues of long dead soldiers from the public square. Not just because it’s “bad for business,” but because it’s annoying. I can’t think of a single celebrity whose political opinion I value, and I’m not going to assume the country feels any differently about mine. So, rather than blow myself up, or chime in with all the obvious observations about the cowardly scum in the pointy hats, I’m going to talk instead about my belief that comments like yours pose a far greater threat to the future of our country than the existence of a memorial to Thomas Jefferson, or a monument to George Washington. Ready? Let’s start with a closer look at your claims.

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Ride, Forrest, Ride

CNN Money has the chocolates on Forrest Gump, “Now you, too, can “Run, Forrest, run!”

Nike is bringing back some vintage kicks from the pre-Jordan era: the Classic Cortez running shoes that were a hit in the 70’s and worn in the 1994 feel-good flick “Forrest Gump.”

Even those who never ran a marathon in the Cortez shoes — or weren’t alive in the ’70s — might still recognize them from the Tom Hanks film, where his character Gump wears them on a cross-country run from Alabama to the Southwest. Gump also wears them in the famous park bench scene where he cogitates about chocolates.

It’s amazing how Forrest’s slow twin, Timmber, has figured out that it’s much better to ride than run, but he still like those Nike Cortez runners.

Forest Gump’s slow twin, Timmber. “Ride, Timmber, Ride!”


Nobody Takes an ‘Effing Liberal ‘In Blackface’ Seriously – Sarah Silverman?

From Buzzfeed we get a bit with “Sarah Silverman performing in blackface because she “takes her work at face value.” And somehow that’s funny??  And somehow the entire Liberal Elite Establishment and the entire repertoire of #SJW-Social Justice Warrior groups, and the BLM’s etc. aren’t coming for her with bricks, clubs and bottle of urine??  Where’s Maxine Waters?  Nancy Pelosi?  Or Crazy Ol’ Howard “The Scream” Dean??  Crickets everywhere.  ‘Cause her name ain’t Trump.  ‘Effing hypocrites.

Meanwhile In Siberia….

While President Donald Trump has been taking incoming on all fronts, Vlad Putin took some vacation days in Siberia to give his tiger, Scaramucci, a work out and to get another manly, bare chested photo.

Vlad Putin and his Siberian tiger, Scaramucci

During the bare chested photo-shoot, Vlad shared some anecdotes with reporters about how he decided to change his tiger’s name from plain vanilla Boris to Scaramucci. He said that after the FSB delivered him the transcript and audio from Anthony Scaramucci’s infamous rant, he knew that the guy was a ‘real’ tiger.  So he changed Boris’ name immediately.  After all, as President of Russia, he can pretty much do whatever he wants.

“Besides,” he added, “I’m sure that with a little more work I can train Scaramucci to do the Fandango.  And wait until I bring that show to the next G-20 Summit.”