No, No RyNoCare

As reported by Breitbart, “Chaos Inside GOP House Conference Forces Speaker Ryan to Cancel Thursday’s RyanCare Vote

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R.-WI) cancelled the anticipated vote on the American Health Care Act—RyanCare—the latest sign that the bill is in a death spiral.

Progress bringing the bill to the floor was stalled out when a compromise reached in principle between President Donald Trump and the chamber’s conservative bloc, the House Freedom Caucus, late Wednesday was not included in to the bill as a manager’s amendment.

Trump Prescient About Obama Administration “Wiretapping”

Politico reports, “Nunes claims some Trump transition messages were intercepted“.

House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes declared Wednesday that members of Donald Trump’s transition team, possibly including Trump himself, were under inadvertent surveillance following November’s presidential election.

The White House and Trump’s allies immediately seized on the statement as vindication of the president’s much-maligned claim that former President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower phones — even though Nunes himself said that’s not what his new information shows.

John Wayne on ‘ReGendering’

From “Born a Man, Transgender Weightlifter Wins Women’s Competition“.

Competitors who are born female now face the reality of losing to those who “identify” as a female, but were born male.

New Zealander Laurel Hubbard, formerly known as Gavin, is a 39 year-old transgender woman who won the international women’s weightlifting title in Australia on Sunday.

Hubbard broke four national records, and beat the competition by 19 kilograms.