Trump Deraignment Syndrome Begins

Courtesy of the NY Daily News we get, perhaps, the stupidest story yet about Trump Deraignment Syndrome, “The complete guide to fleeing President Donald Trump’s America“.

NYDailyNews_Cover-Make_America_Migrate_CaptureFor folks across the nation, the election of Donald Trump would make America grate — again.

The mere thought of President Trump taking the oath of office on Jan. 20, 2017, has already led to threats from U.S. citizens that they would leave our red, white and blue borders behind if The Donald reaches The White House.

But get this howler!!  The number one “Enclave for expats” is (drumroll, please), Singapore–the Caning Capital of the World.  I would encourage Meg Wagner, the author of this tripe, to take her own advice and try it.  Then she can pen another piece and tell us all how it worked out for her.

Singapore might be your best bet. The island nation boasts the top quality of life for expats, according to a 2015 survey of expats by InterNations, a 2 million-person strong network of migrants.

The Asian county earned the title for its slew of high-paying jobs, welcoming atmosphere, stellar health care facilities and top-notch public transit. English, one of Singapore’s four official languages, is used frequently, especially in urban areas, so communication barriers are limited for Americans.

Move you Lefty idiots! These fine folks in Singapore will beat you like a drum, and there ain’t no safe spaces. Here’s your menu of caning choices. Chew on it.  The list below is just a partial summary.  The link clicks to a complete list which is a real killer.


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The Muppets “Heart” Bernie

How could they not??  It appears that Bernie Sanders has a whole lot in common with a couple of everyone’s favorite characters.  As a matter of fact, “Bernie” is in contract negotiations for a new gig as a “grandfatherly mentor muppet” just as soon as Hillary finishes kicking his ass in the Primaries.  Stay tuned, kiddies.
