Daily Darwin – AGW Golfing Genome

Darwin gleefully points out that this AGW Handicapped golfer should have taken the ‘effing penalty stroke rather than playing it off of the water hazard. Now his genomes get penalized 1 stroke for the whiff and 2 strokes for the frozen balls. Err…genomes.

Natural selection deems that some individuals serve as a warning to others. Who are we to disagree? The next generation, ever and anon, is descended from the survivors


Daily Darwin – Hanging With Droods

Darwin ‘urbanely‘ points out that if one hangs with droods, one’s hanging genomes are likely to get nuttered, or neutered, he’s not sure which.  But Darwin states most emphatically that one will most definitely not enjoy the experience.

Natural selection deems that some individuals serve as a warning to others. Who are we to disagree? The next generation, ever and anon, is descended from the survivors


Daily Darwin – Melon For My ‘Melon’

Darwin notes that when one uses their melon as a melon-smasher, that same one’s genomes are likely to get more melon than was bargained for.

Natural selection deems that some individuals serve as a warning to others. Who are we to disagree? The next generation, ever and anon, is descended from the survivors
