Barack ‘The Backstabber’ Obama

Obama’s new moniker “The Bonz” now shares the spotlight with his newest nickname, Barack “The Backstabber” Obama. Oh, and after the UN Israeli Settlement Vote, Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu has an even more appropriate name for “The Bonz”, our “Backstabber In Chief”.

Breitbart – Now Called ‘Cereal Killer’

From Breitbart about Breitbart, but cogent, real news none the less.

The Wall Street Journal concludes that Kellogg’s politically-driven decision to pick a food fight with Breitbart has bruised its brand.

“There’s a cereal killer on the loose,” the Journal reports, referring to Breitbart News’ #DumpKelloggs petition, which has reached north of 400,000 signatures since it launched last month.

“One way to assess the damage to companies’ bottom lines is their stock prices since Mr. Trump’s surprise victory,” the Wall Street Journal reports. “Kellogg shares have underperformed peers General Mills and Post Holdings by 4.4 and 11.5 points, respectively.”

It’s never to late to sign the petition to #DumpKelloggs. Click the pic to go to boycott petition.