AGW – ‘You’re So Vain’, DiCaprio Style – updated

Well, I guess the whole ‘effing AGW-Climate Change-Global Warming (AKA: Weather) thing isn’t as important as Leonardo DiCaprio’s Oscar eyebrows.  This hypocritical bit of vanity is from the Independent, “Leonardo DiCaprio flew eyebrow artist 7,500 miles to do his brows for the Oscars“.  Add those 5 tons of CO2 to the wacky-weed in your pipe and puff away, Leo.

How much effort do you put into the appearance of your eyebrows? Tinting? Threading? Pencilling in? Plucking the strays? Or perhaps nothing at all?

Well if you’re an A-lister with the eyes of the world watching, it seems no length is too extreme to ensure your brows are perfect.

Australian eyebrow-artist to the stars Sharon-Lee Hamilton was flown from Sydney to Los Angeles to tend to a select few celebrities’ brows before the 2017 Oscars.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire are reportedly two members of the Hollywood elite who insisted on Hamilton flying the 7,500 across the Pacific Ocean, despite DiCaprio’s environmental stance.

Carly Simon – “You’re So Vain”

**Update: The UK Independent has officially retracted their report

Eeewww!! – Cricketeria Reprise

Since NBC News decided to trot out it’s predictably gross “How Crickets Could Help Save the Planet” to commemorate Al Gore’s newest inconvenient movie release and Donald Trump’s ‘Climate Denier’, oil-guy EPA appointment, it time to reprise our little story on crickets.  First NBC.

Unless we all stick to salads, the global production of meat will need to double in that time to feed our growing population, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO). Feed and crop production will also have to increase in kind to support livestock and our own appetites, inevitably taking up more land space and water — precious and dwindling commodities required for cattle.

Now our reprise – Your Sustainable Thanksgiving Dinner

Forget that turkey. Or dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy and cranberries. Belly up to the cricket buffet. Eat your fill and feel good about exterminating hunger for the next generation.