Feckless Mitt Romney Makes A Statement

Why on earth would Mitt Romney be holding a fundraiser for a potential Democrat 2020 Presidential candidate? WTF? Yep. Willard hasn’t even been elected as Senator from Utah and he’s already subverting his party’s President. The Daily Caller reports,”ROMNEY HELD DEM DONOR MEETING FOR FORMER STARBUCKS CEO HOWARD SCHULTZ AND IT DIDN’T GO WELL.”

Former presidential nominee Mitt Romney recently hosted a donor meeting for former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz who has been reportedly considering a run for president as a Democrat in 2020.

Politico’s Ben Schrekinger said the event did not go well and that many left uninspired by the potential nominee.

Trump Surrogate Jumps The Shark In Helsinki

Darwin is always amazed by temerity of political supporters or surrogates. Darwin admits, though, that this genome challenged individual is probably not a Trump supporter or surrogate. And his genomes are most likely nowhere near the South Harbor in Helsinki, Finland. Why would Darwin conclude this, you ask? Darwin replies. Check out the obvious. The WallArt graffiti, “Smiling”, is in english, rather than “Hymyilevä”, a more Finland friendly version. You don’t have to have Sherlock Holmes’ genomes to deduce the import of that clue. Why then would Darwin call this bit of FakeNews headlining, “Trump Surrogate Jumps The Shark in Helsinki”? The answer to that, my friends, may need to wait until another day.  As for the shark?  That, too, is a tale for another day.