Covington MAGA Teens Get Apology From One Of Last Holdouts

Refrigerator Warrior‘ Nathan Phillips has lost one of the last bastions of virtue signalling adherents. The Gateway Pundit reports, “Roger Foys, the Bishop of Covington finally apologized to Nick Sandmann and other Covington students who were smeared with an edited video after initially condemning the teens.”

Found here.

Senator Pocahontas Plans Plundering Plenty Of Pesos To Pauperize Pecunious Plutocrats

1024th percent Robin Hood

**Yes, the ‘Masked Man‘ is not Robin Hood, but Elizabeth Warren’s great, great, great, great granddaddy on her great, great, great, great cousin’s great, great, great, great grand-aunty’s side.

This Is A Startup Just Made For Shark Tank

Just think of the bidding battle between Mr. Wonderful, Kevin O’Leary, and Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, for the rights to this product. O’Leary will try to get it for a 3.% Royalty on the value of any snackies transported by the product, and Cuban, well, he just wants to shelve the product so it won’t ever make it to market.  Let’s face it, he’ll make more money protecting the $Concession Revenues at Mavericks games.  After all, he’s gotta sell a $shitload of that $6Buck Beer and those $4Buck dogs, you know, in order to pay the $Big Bucks to Harrison and DeAndre.


Roger Stone arrested by federal agents with GUNS DRAWN

Your Government shows up at Zero Dark:30 to WHAT?  Arrest Roger Stone for “what legal experts call ‘process crimes’ – lying to investigators and trying to tamper with their work.”  And Mueller is supposed to be the ‘Gold Standard’ of prosecutorial integrity?  Winston Smith (1984) fared just about as well when Big Brother’s Jackbooted thugs(link NSFW) arrested he and his girlfriend.

The Daily Mail reports,

Roger Stone, a former longtime confidant of President Donald Trump, was arrested in Florida on Friday morning following a federal indictment resulting from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s sprawling probe into Russian election meddling.

FBI agents armed with rifles took the self-described political dirty trickster into custody in a dramatic pre-dawn raid with their weapons drawn and a lead agent shouting ‘FBI! Open the door! We have a warrant!’