Can This Be Racist?

racist – Urban Dictionary Top Definition

If you’re a white man, this is what you are. It doesn’t even matter if your wife is black and you have an adopted child from India, or how many black friends you have, somehow you’re going to end up being a racist according to how the media portrays the white man as “racist whities”.

All of this is funny because the white man is the one that is stereotyped as being racist, which is hypocrisy at its best. It’s racist to assume that white men are racists.

If you don’t get offended by racial insults, then you’re apparently racist too, but an actual racist would get offended by it. When you hear a certain word too much (I’m sure we’ve all heard “cracka” hundreds of times thanks to standup comedy) then you become desensitized to it.

Well, that and the words white people get called sound stupid or non-offending. “cracker” came from cracking whips. Indiana Jones cracked whips too, and he was a badass. “honkey” sounds like some kind of gigantic sandwich, and “white boy” makes you seem like the lone white kid in breakdance movies that stands out amongst the other races and white kids. Most people only really think of rednecks when they think of “white trash” so they don’t get offended by it if they’re not rednecks.

Statistics guy: It was found out that the majority of blacks in America listen to hip hop—
Statistics guy: But I said the majority, meaning not all of th—

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Liberal Crickets

The Washington Post reports that the, “9th Circuit Court declines to quickly reinstate travel ban“.

So before excerpting the story, let’s cut through the crap and the rhetoric. This reasonable temporary travel ban is being fought by last year’s election losers out of a fit of political pique. They lost, and being the spoiled and inconsolable toddlers that they are, they are throwing a ‘tantrum’.  The story follows.

A federal appeals court on Sunday ruled that President Trump’s controversial immigration order will remain suspended for the time being, allowing those previously banned from coming to the United States at least another day to get here.

The decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit preserves a lower judge’s order to temporarily halt the ban — and based on a schedule the court outlined, the stop will remain in place at least until sometime on Monday. The Justice Department said it would not elevate the dispute to the Supreme Court before that.

It’s obvious that had Hillary, or Obama in his third term, taken the same action, everything would have been just fine. All the liberals currently challenging Trump’s order would have shilled for Hillery/Obama saying that, “It’s only temporary. American’s are being protected. He’s/She’s entitled to make that decision because He/She is a real and legitimate President.”

It would have been a 1 cycle news story. In other words, it would have aired for 12 hours max. Why do I believe this? Let me give you an example.

In the last week of his presidency, Barack Obama suddenly and arbitrarily, ended the decades old Cuban, “Wet foot/Dry foot” immigration policy. By ‘administrative’ order, no less. So Cubans fleeing the murderous Castro regime could no longer get immediate US asylum. He even turned around 91 refugees about to land on US soil and sent them back to Cuba to face whatever fate the Castro Regime had for them. And what did we hear from the Democratic, the Left, and the anti-Trump protesters? Crickets. 

Boy Scouts Offer New TransGender Merit Badge

CNN Reports that, “Boy Scouts open membership to transgender boys“.  Coincidentally, the Boy Scouts began offering a new Merit Badge as part of this announcement.  The requirements to qualify for the new badge have not yet been fully disclosed.

The ‘Clip and Tuck-It’  Badge

The Boy Scouts of America says it will begin accepting members based on their gender identity, opening the door for transgender boys to join.

Under the new policy, which takes effect immediately, membership in Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts will be based on the gender indicated on an application.

Previously, the organization relied on an individual’s birth certificate to determine eligibility for its single-gender programs.

Move Over Starbucks, Starbot is Here

From Breitbart, “Cafe X’s Robot Barista May Put Hipsters Out of a Job“.

“Gordon” is the first in a new line of robotic automated baristas at Cafe X in San Francisco, capable of taking and delivering two orders a minute, every minute, all day long.

At this point one start to wonder what impact Seattle’s mandated minimum wage of $15.00 per hour will have on the decision logic of hiring a few ‘Gordon’s” to take over the barista positions.

The process isn’t just fast, it’s streamlined to be completely hassle-free. All you need to do is tap your desired order on your phone, or use the kiosk’s built-in screen. Within seconds, Gordon will provide you with a perfectly executed beverage of your choice, down to the artisanal beans.

Gordon executes these orders with the help of a six-axis arm designed by Mitsubishi. But in automating the process, is the art of the brew somehow lost? Cafe X CEO Henry Hu doesn’t think so.

Now note what  RT’s Question More section says about liberal Starbucks hiring plans.

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz’s announcement that the coffee giant would hire 10,000 refugees came in a statement in which he mentioned his “deep concern” at US President Donald Trump’s executive order restricting entry from seven predominantly-Muslim nations.

“I also want to take this opportunity to announce specific actions we are taking to reinforce our belief in our partners around the world and to ensure you are clear that we will neither stand by, nor stand silent, as the uncertainty around the new administration’s actions grows with each passing day,” Schultz wrote.

One might be wont to note, “As you brew, so shall you drink from that cup.”