Loretta Lynch
Loretta Lynch’s “Modified Limited Hangout”
From the American Mirror we find that, “AG Lynch refuse[d] to answer questions over 74 times” during today’s House Judiciary Committee Hearing regarding Hillary Clinton’s little email problem.
Congressman David Trott came to the conclusion that Loretta Lynch’s testimony was one big waste of time.
Trott’s staff counted up the number of times the attorney general said she couldn’t answer a question or refused to give an “appropriate” response, and they had added up at least 74 instances prior to Trott’s questioning, during a hearing today of the House Judiciary Committee.
“I knew you weren’t going to answer our questions today….“It’s one of two
things: Either you’re saying that to avoid the appearance of impropriety in which case you should have recused yourself, or you’re trying to protect Hillary Clinton,” he concluded.
So what, exactly, is a “Modified Limited Hangout“? Here’s a few other notorious examples from the “Words of Watergate“. So savor the flavor of the hors d’oeuvres of political hanky panky that “Lying Loretta” consumed before testifying today.
… the Watergate scandal is well worth observing not only for its political results – an American president, Richard M. Nixon, was forced to resign and a number of his top aides went to jail – but for the way it enriched our
political vocabulary. The scandal popularized such words and phrases as cover up, deep six, deep throat, dirty tricks, follow the money, inoperative, smoking gun, and stonewall. And it also offers lessons about the dangers of using deceptive language that remain relevant today.
…the incident that brought the scandal to life, the break-in on June 17, 1972, at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C., was initially downplayed by Ron Ziegler, the
president’s press secretary, as “a third-rate burglary attempt.”
And then we have the technique that AG Loretta Lynch seems supremely competent in using to it’s full glory.
To obstruct justice by saying little or nothing to investigators became to stonewall in White House lingo. For example, the president said in a meeting with his top aides on March 22, 1973: “I want you all to stonewall it, let them plead the Fifth Amendment, cover up, or anything else, if it’ll save it – save the whole plan.” Stonewall had been used earlier in politics in Australia and New Zealand in reference to parliamentary stalling tactics. This usage probably derives from cricket, where a batsman who plays purely defensively may be said to stonewall. The White House stonewall almost certainly has an American origin, however, deriving from the resolute defense of Confederate General Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson at the first Battle of Bull Run in 1861.
Snakes On A Plane
The Gods of Headlines have been kind to us today thanks to the New York Post.
Samuel L. Jackson, “Snakes On A Plane”