If a Wall Is Good Enough For Taylor Swift, Then It’s Good Enough For America

This ironic, hypocritical howler comes from Vanity Fair, “Taylor Swift Is Building a Wall“.

Some walls are meant to keep people in. Some walls are meant to keep people out. Some walls can be broken down with solid therapy and two glasses of Cab Sauv. Taylor Swift, for her part, is building a wall around her Beverly Hills mansion. It’s hard to say what kind of wall this one will be yet, but the objective appears to be keeping paparazzi and other bogeymen out, according to TMZ, which has viewed the permit for the new build.

Snoop Dogg R.I.P. – Hang Up Those SoCal 90’s

Bashing Trump won’t make the Dogg any more relevant than his Adidas SoCal 90’s footwear.  Snoop.  Why don’t you just Fade Away and Party Like It’s 1999, instead of giving black and brown people more excuses to murder each other?

Chicago Murders courtesy of HeyJackass.com