Mad Maxine – “Impeachment Is Whatever I Say It Is”

Granted, according to, the “I” referred to was Congress, but who quibbles with Auntie Maxine when she’s on a tirade.

“Don’t come here and tell me, ‘Maxine, you keep on doing what you do.’ But when you gonna give me some support?” she asked. “How many of you in your organizations have said, ‘Impeach 45’ ?”

Waters urged the crowd not to get hung up on what law to invoke in the impeachment process:

Impeachment is about whatever the Congress says it is. There is no law that dictates impeachment. What the Constitution says is “high crimes and misdemeanors,” and we define that.

Trump Derangement Syndrome – Ben and Jerry’s Style

So Donald Trump has an extra scoop of ice cream and liberal’s heads explode everywhere?  Imagine, then if you will, a world in which the President orders a “cherry on top” of his extra scoops?  Perhaps with extra whipped cream…?

The Runaways – “Cherry Bomb”

One couldn’t find a more appropriate group of libs than Mses. Dakota Fanning, Kristen Stewart and Floria Sigismondi to provided some ‘Trumped’ up outrage.

Don’s Juan Dreamers – Tilting At Windmills

From the Daily Caller, “Amnesty Could Be Trump’s First Major Legislative Accomplishment“.

President Donald Trump, who based his insurgent campaign heavily on an anti-immigration platform, might end up enacting legislative amnesty for hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants as his first major accomplishment.

Or, according to the LA Times, maybe it will work out, “Dealing with Democrats? Protecting ‘Dreamers’? Here in Arizona that’s just fine with these Trump supporters.

But as Trump shifted this week to a softer approach on the young immigrants in legal limbo through no fault of their own, many of his most die-hard supporters moved right along with him — among them Arpaio, who was ousted in November by voters tired of his inflammatory approach.

Regardless of your point of view, a few of Don’s Juan Memes are still good for some guilty ‘non-politically correct’ fun.

**Yes. The title is a mixed metaphor, but I still think it works.

Vogue’s ‘Red Queen’ Throws Shade At Melania

Vogue Fashion Writer, Lynn Yaeger, A.K.A. “The Red Queen”, unloaded this piece of snark on Melania Trump, “Melania Trump’s Hurricane Stilettos, and the White House’s Continual Failure to Understand Optics”.   Shall we compare and contrast Lynn’s “Fashion Sense” with Melania’s?

This morning, Mrs. Trump boarded Air Force Onewearing a pair of towering pointy-toed snakeskin heels better suited to a shopping afternoon on Madison Avenue or a girls’ luncheon at La Grenouille

Melania Trump(L.), her Vogue Fashion Critic, Lynn Yaeger (R.)

Segue to Houston….

Hmmm?? Air Force One Must have been supplied with ‘Venue Appropriate’ attire.

While the nation is riveted by images of thousands of Texans wading with their possessions, their pets, their kids, in chest-high water desperately seeking refuge; while a government official recommend that those who insist on sheltering in place write their names and social security numbers on their arms, Melania Trump is heading to visit them in footwear that is a challenge to walk in on dry land.

Now Let’s review some of Lynn “The Red Queen” Yaeger’s most ‘fashionable’ moments…

Hillary Clinton – “Trump Made My Skin Crawl”

Does anyone see the irony here? My guess is that Hillary’s comments are such low hanging fruit for the meme-makers, she’ll be in revise and reprint mode before the week is out.  I can’t wait for the interview question, “If Donald made your skin crawl, tell us how Bill made your skin feel?”

From NBC News, “Hillary Clinton Says ‘My Skin Crawled’ During Debate With Trump“.

In the first excerpts from Hillary Clinton’s highly anticipated upcoming memoir, the former Democratic presidential candidate said her “skin crawled” during a debate with Donald Trump.

“My skin crawled,” Clinton said. “It was one of those moments where you wish you could hit pause and ask everyone watching ‘well, what would you do?'”

Just two days prior, Clinton said, “the world heard [Trump] brag about groping women.”