Donald J. Trump and Kim Jong-un Reach Agreement

Both Kim and Trump have reached agreement that territorial integrity of each of their most personal hairstyle assets shall not be encroached upon or expropriated by either party in any way. Any perceived incidence of such misappropriation will immediately be taken to the full UN Security Council for adjudication.

Google – The Hubris of Diversity

Google’s purported nurturing of diverse opinions is nothing more than a hollowed out shell of a philosophy.  In fact, except for the masks, it’s no different than the Berkeley or Portland AntiFa rioters that prevented Milo Yiannopoulos or Ann Coulter from speaking.

Google on Google – the irony quotient here is “High”.

Norks – Susan Rice Says, “Keep Your Nukes, Kim”

So how did Kim Jong-un all of a sudden get miniaturized nukes and the ICBM missiles capable of carrying them anywhere in the Continental U.S.?  Could it be because that was exactly what the Foreign Policy of Barack Obama and Susan Rice made inevitable?  The Conservative Daily News reports, “Rice tells Americans: Live with nuclear North Korea“.

Echoing Barack Obama‘s foreign policy on North Korea, former National Security Advisor Susan Rice told President Donald Trump to “tolerate” a nuclear North Korea.

“History shows that we can, if we must, tolerate nuclear weapons in North Korea — the same way we tolerated the far greater threat of thousands of Soviet nuclear weapons during the Cold War,” she wrote in a New York Times op-ed.

FakeNews – Headline Writing for Dummies

Match the Headline to the News Organization.

“Cop Beats Unarmed Black man.”  – CNN

“Cop Watches While Partner Beats Unarmed Black man” – Washington Post

“Cop Cheers Partner While He Beats and Humiliates Unarmed Black man.” – New York Times

“Racist Cop Watches Partner Beat and Humiliate Young Unarmed Black man While His Hands Were Clasped in Prayer. – Politico