Lock Her Up Reprise

According to Bloomberg Hillary “Clinton Plan[s] to Join [Jill Stein’s] Recount – Draws ’Sore Loser’ Jibe from Trump“.

hillary_hit_stop_button_b4_voting Hillary Clinton’s campaign lawyer announced plans to participate in vote recounts of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan if they take place, yet doesn’t expect to overturn the election of Donald Trump as president.

My suggestion for President Elect Trump, is to reprise his call to “Lock Her Up”.  All he has to do is let Attorney General Jeff Sessions, both Republican Houses of Congress, the FBI, the rest of the DOJ, and all other appropriate and involved ‘Alphabet’ Agencies, including local jurisdictions, know that he believes that “Lady Justice” is impartial, fair and sure. So that no matter what one’s station in life is, Hillary, Bill, Huma, John, Cheryl et al., Justice will be served.  Best cold and slow, says I.

Trump Deraignment Syndrome Morphs Into TARDS

trump_tard_trump_acceptance_resistance_disorderThe new American Psychiatric Association (APA) DSM-5 just got a few pounds heavier after the campaign and subsequent election of President Elect Donald J. Trump.

First, we had ‘Trump Deraignment Syndrome’ during the election, and now we have ‘Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder – TARDS’.  And then, of course, when Trump is reelected to his second term we’ll have the newest iteration of the syndrome, ‘RETARDS’.

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